Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Busy Holidays!!

I must say, I feel like I've been behind on my blog during this wonderful holiday season, actually, I've been behind on a lot of things....But! My New Years resolution (at least one of them) is to keep up with this blog and posting my photography! I love photography so much and the chance to be able to post and display my photography, thoughts, beliefs, etc... on here makes it all the more fun and worth while. I'll be creating a Facebook Fan Page soon too since it was unanimous that I create one (thanks to my lovely viewers and voters!)
Be sure to capture all the little giggles, presents, and love shared during this Christmas and never forget the true meaning of Christmas-  the miraculous birth of baby Jesus into such a cold world to save us!

I wish you a very merry Christmas from my camera to yours!
...And always remember you can never have too many cookies during Christmas! ;)

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